Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why this?

I have written a lot in the past. I have had at least two active blogs. but now i have almost forgotten how to write. Even if i write a line I am rereading it a hundred times and I end up not posting anything I write. This is, as the title so unceremoniously says, is a self-help blog. It means I want to improve myself and record my progress. The ideas is that I would record all resolutions  I take and every step of this experiment and writing this down kind of would hold me accountable and also help me overcome my limitations and become a better person.

Unlike my other blogs which became pathetic attempts at getting people's attention and approval, I am not planning on making this blog public for anytime soon. And there was a time I used to spend all my time reading self help books and to be honest I won't call myself a complete failure. But there are areas where I should definitely improve. Focus , Discipline, Hard work, slogging, planning and execution - all of these are things I am bad at. But I am going to improve. If you've read my BLS post, I can assure you that I have not yet completely rid myself of the syndrome. So now again, I began reading Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins. This blog will record efforts I put in and my successes and failure. I will be honest and meticulous in recording whatever transpires in my head. Again I expect this blog to be boring and mundane except for myself and that's why it will remain private. Things I will track here are how I try to salvage my grades this semester , how I train myself to be more self disciplined, how I improve myself in aspects regarding work like focus, concentration and how I learn to slog, how I save money by cutting down expenses. It will not be about people or relationships or anything like that because I feel I have wasted enough time and effort thinking about those things and am no wiser.

I am reading this part about changing beliefs - the limiting beliefs. My limiting beliefs are : I am lazy - i cannot keep up a resolve, I am not fast and efficient when it comes to work. I will start clocking hours and also observe how i waste time. I will try to work in spells of 2-3 hours and avoid all distractions during that time.  I will clock when i work about the time and the work I am doing. I will follow the guidelines in the book and I will note my observations here.